Install latest version of ovftool

ovftool download: link

Open Command prompt and find ovftool:

# cd "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool"

Run the following command from command prompt

# ovftool --lax C:\Users\Me\Desktop\example.ova C:\Users\Me\Desktop\example.vmx

Find the datastore to add the vmdk file to

- Open vSphere client and log into ESXi server
- Select server
- Click configuration tab
- Select Storage link under Hardware

Open datastore browser

- Select your datastore
- Right click and select "Browse Datastore..."

Upload .vmdk file to datastore:

- Click on icon for "Upload files to this datastore"
- Select "Upload file" and select your .vmdk file

Create virtual machine using this .vmdk image

- Select File/New/Virtual Machine
- Under configuration, select Custom instead of Typical
- Under Select a Disk, select "Use an existing virtual disk"
- Under Select Existing Disk, select your .vmdk image

A new virtual disk should be created.