This tutorial is customized for an Ubuntu installation and will require the following:

# apt-get install wget
# apt-get install perl5
# apt-get install unzip


The following steps will get you started on building a simple web scraper in perl

1. Create a target list

You can create your own custom list or you can download a file from containing the top 1 million visited websites

# wget

unzip the file:

# unzip

The unzipped file top-1m.csv should have the following format:


2. Perl code to read a file

In order to read a file, you need to open it and loop through each line:

open FH, "top-1m.csv";
while (my $line =<FH> ) {
  chomp $line;
  print "$line\n";
close FH;

3. Perl code to parse each line

Inside the while loop, use a regular expression to parse each line:

if ($line =~ /^(\d+),(.*)$/) {
  my $index = $1;
  my $website = $2;

4. Download webpages

Inside the if statement, call wget:

my $command = "wget -P $website/ $website";
print "$index: $command\n";

You may not want to scrape all 1 million websites, so you can add the following:

if ($index>100) {exit;} # this wil limit how many websites you scrape to the first 100